When it rains in the area known as the Woonasquatucket River Watershed, all of the runoff drains into the Woonasquatucket River, carrying with it pollutants like fertilizers, oil, and, most noticeably, trash. When people mismanage their trash on land, it affects the wildlife and the health of our waterways. Litter that is carried into the Woonasquatucket River has lots of negative consequences for the plants and animals that live there. Fish, birds, and other animals may get caught in plastic waste, which can strangle them or harm their ability to swim or fly. They might also mistake plastic for food and consume it. When this happens, the plastic can fill up their stomachs, making them feel full even though they are not receiving the nutrients they need to survive.
At WRWC, our team of River Rangers collects litter and debris in the river and along our Greenway every week. We also host community cleanup events in our parks to help remove litter, including plastic waste like bags, cups, and other single-use items, and larger debris like tires and mattresses, from our river. However, we know that we cannot solve the problem of litter simply by removing as much as we can. We must work together to stop the problem on land– before the trash ends up in the river.
To do this, we have partnered with RIDOT and the state’s “Litter-free RI” campaign to raise awareness about litter and provide educational resources to our communities about how to properly manage trash.
You can bring your unbagged mattress and/or box springs to The Department of Public Works at 700 Allens Avenue on Saturdays from 7am-12:45pm. To dispose of mattresses at this site, you must have a valid Providence ID. They will accept 2 items at a time.
To schedule a mattress pickup, call Waste Management 1(800)972-4545 more than 48 hours before your scheduled trash pickup. Mattresses must be bagged to be picked up- bags can be purchased at hardware stores/home centers. DPW also sells one-size-fits-all bags in person at 700 Allens Avenue.
Large items include furniture and large appliances. Fill out this online form or call waste management 48 hours before your regular pickup.
Large furniture must be kept dry and clean before pickup- we recommend covering in plastic.
Tires and paint are considered to be hazardous waste. To dispose of paint and other household chemicals, please contact the RI Resource Recovery Corporation to schedule an appointment for pick up at 942-1430. For tire disposal, bring your tires to RI Resource Recovery’s small vehicle area. The disposal is $8 per tire.
If you need to replace a broken trash or recycling bin visit this link to fill out the request form with Public Works.
Public Work Bin Replacement Form
Up to 3 items per unit
Zero waste providence: https://www.zerowasteprovidence.com/