The Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council (WRWC) is actively tackling the escalating challenges of flooding and water pollution in Rhode Island, issues highlighted in the recent 41ºN article “Water Pressure” by Ellen Liberman. Our Executive Director, Alicia J. Lehrer, was featured, discussing the severe impact of outdated infrastructure on our rivers and communities. The article sheds light on the urgent need for integrated, watershed-scale solutions to manage stormwater and build climate resilience.

We encourage you to read the full article in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of 41ºN, Rhode Island’s Ocean and Coastal Magazine, to learn more about these critical issues and WRWC’s ongoing efforts to create a swimmable, fishable Woonasquatucket River

About 41ºN

41ºN is Rhode Island’s Ocean and Coastal Magazine, a publication of Rhode Island Sea Grant and the Coastal Institute at the University of Rhode Island.

This biannual magazine examines topics such as climate change, marine commerce and recreation, ecology, and the history of Rhode Island’s coastal communities.